Why Join EMP?

About EMP

This program is designed for ambitious students who are willing to be actively engaged in the education process taking increasing responsibilities in their learning.

Today, the health care professional should be equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes that extend beyond traditional medical curricul.
This program is designed to prepare the graduate for the expanding tasks of the 21st century doctor. Doctors of tomorrow need to be lifelong self-learners, prepared for their role in health care education and prevention beside management of the diseased, aware of the integrated high-tech health care systems that are developing over the region, ready to work within modern health care teams, ready to engage in post-graduate studies and research, and acquire a role model for a professional attitude

 Apply to join the Extended Modular Program if:

  • You are ready to be actively engaged in your learning. (Active student participation in learning activities is the rule).
  • You prefer to study basic science knowledge related to clinical context (the content of the program is delivered in an integrated structure).
  • You are eager to develop your professional skills in relation to basic science foundation knowledge and gain basic clinical skills early (Year one includes a 1st aid & Basic life support course. Systemic early exposure to clinical skills starts from the 2nd year).
  • You believe that in practical life, a good doctor should gain skills that extend beyond classical professional medical skills (Personal development courses are timely articulated within the program)
  • You enjoy working in a team (The program uses team base learning as one of its learning strategies).
  • You are interested to engage in summer training activities (The program provides optional summer training opportunities inside and outside Egypt).
  •  You are ambitious looking for an additional certificate (Optional summer courses are available in Health care management, health care quality assurance, and health professionals’ education with additional credit hours in a separate certificate).
  • You have good command of English language (All learning activities and text books are in English).

Why is EMP different?

EMP is an integrated program. It presents information and related skills in its logical sequence and timing. This arrangement enables students to build relations and connects facts in different disciplines. Arranging the mind in such a way leads to better retention and deeper understanding, ready to use this knowledge to solve medical problems.

Integration prevents repetition of knowledge that is common in different disciplines, saving valuable time to other educational activities (Please refer to the curricular map)

One of the fundamental characteristics of this program is early –yet properly timed –integrated exposure to clinical skills and professional development (Please refer to Professional Development)

The program uses specially designed learning activities to fulfill its aims such as structured interactive lectures, small group follow-up sessions, integrated problem oriented sessions, team-based learning sessions and integrated multidisciplinary sessions.

The program uses e-learning as an integral component of the learning activities.

The program extends beyond traditional medical curricula to include additional core courses addressing personal development in a longitudinal thread that extends along the program. These subjects (for example: Learning skills, time management, mind mapping, etc…) are introduced in proper timing. (Please refer to “Personal Development Thread“)

Outstanding students have an opportunity to register an additional “Optional Summer Course” addressing “Health Care Management”, “Health Care Quality Assurance” or “Health Professionals’ Education.

The program follows students learning with formative assessments. Summative assessment includes continuous and final exams. All exams are objective, based on specification tables.